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Premium Escort

We have received this question from a few loyal Premium Escort Bali customers and we feel obligated to answer. These gentlemen and women note that some escorts only work for a few days, then these women are no longer at the agency. The answer is simple, but it needs elaboration: as in any job market, everyone chooses where to work. Also, sometimes the agency decides that it no longer maintains cooperation with a particular woman because it has not proven that its services meet the agency's quality standards. There are also other reasons that we'll explain below.

Promoting and protecting the rights of escorts and those who work with the Premium Escort Agency remains a priority for our company, and it is a prerequisite for ensuring and ensuring human rights. To this end, there are national, international, and European legal instruments created to promote, respect, and protect human rights. The right to work, like other human rights, finds its regulation in the most important legal acts because the entire human civilization is fundamentally based on work, which essentially renders all the public freedoms associated with work.

Freedom of work means the right of a person to choose a profession alone and free of charge, whether the accompanying person is working or not, where, to whom, with whom, and under what conditions. Freedom of work is guaranteed by organizing the termination of an individual employment contract at the initiative of the employee, without any restriction or restriction. That is why Premium Escort Bali cannot ask any lady to continue collaborating if she does not want to. There are several reasons why a co-worker stops working at the agency: she wants to move to another city or country, or that she no longer wants to work in the industry, does not agree to the quality requirements imposed by the agency, or needs to enroll in another agency she believes It is best suited to her, or for other reasons.

Another category of reasons is the provision of high-level services. Although Premium Escort starts collaborating with these guys through an interview in which we try to figure out who these ladies are, sometimes we are wrong with our choices. We must admit that; Nobody can guess a person's true character until they are revealed. Thus, shortly after the start of the collaboration, a lady who does not wish to meet the quality standards for high-level escort services will be marked with numerous complaints from dissatisfied clients. Even if she passes our test in an interview, it is the customers who benefit most directly from the services and notice the problems.

The reviews that these masters send us and the complaints they send via chat, contact form, or over the phone are carefully verified. If the allegations prove to be justified, we will consider a lot in our decision to boycott cooperation with this facility. Of course, anyone deserves a second chance, which is why we call that lady first to provide services that meet high-quality standards. However, if problems persist, we must stop cooperating, even if the lady in question only starts working for a few days. So the short period that I worked in becomes just a trial period. This lady will be paid for all services rendered, but the cooperation will not continue. For us, it is imperative to maintain high-quality standards because only in this way will customers be satisfied.

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